Hideo Kubo
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Graduate Faculty of Science Hokkaido University University
グローバルリーダーに必要な5つの力 #02 俯瞰力
Kendo and tea ceremony training has the concept of ``shuhari,'' which begins with ``shu,'' which is faithful to the teachings of the teacher, and goes through ``break,'' which is learned from other schools, and finally establishes its own. It is said that it aims to "leave". In the same way as this trend, excellent research is also obtained from the collaboration of various sciences and the fusion of different fields. Visiting laboratories in different fields will broaden your knowledge and perspectives, and joint work with members from different fields will foster flexible thinking that accepts new values and philosophies. A broad perspective leads to a deep understanding, and curiosity about the unknown leads to self-development and a lifelong desire to learn.
The power gained through such cross-disciplinary learning is the power to grasp the structure of things from a bird's-eye view, draw a big picture, and the power to harmonize different abilities within a team. Both of them will be needed even more after entering society, and they will give you a strong push on your back. Through Ambitious Leader's Program Fostering Future Leaders to Open New Frontiers in Materials Science Hokkaido University, we will look at the world from a broad perspective, look at ourselves, and establish our own worldview. I have high hopes for the "Shuhari" of material science that you will open up in the future.