1. Introduction
As we step into the second decade of the 21st century, we are increasingly faced with major reforms, adjustments, and development challenges. Many of the most pressing problems appearing today are due to the limitation of the materials. This career talk of AsahiKASEI told us in detail about how the enterprise is working to solve those problems and what kind of doctor are need.
2. Contents
The mission of AsahiKASEI is contributing to life and living for people around the world by continually creating for tomorrow through new combinations. Different with college’s research idea, AsahiKASEI’s initiatives is to build combinations with outside companies that have resources and technologies that complement them. The key to such combinations will be the human element. By combining the efforts of employee from all over the world and the people at alliance partners, they obtain fresh perspectives that generate new ways of thinking.
All students pursuing a doctoral degree want to enhance their chances of getting a career position which makes use of doctoral skills. In chemistry, Ph.D’s who graduated found career positions are less than who go into postdocs. However, company need to develop more broadly trained and adaptable scientist and engineers, particularly those with graduate degrees, who are prepared to function in the multidisciplinary rapidly changing environment of the chemical research enterprise. Doctors are more favored because problem solvers need a broad background in chemistry. If the companies are headed for industry, doctors can give them a prior researching experience. In addition, the doctoral diploma is like a business card for your career which proves our research capabilities and enquiring mind. The doctors are need as elites of the companies in the areas of chemistry.
3. Conclusion
Common wisdom holds the viewpoint that doctors had better to continue school life after graduation, as a post doctor and become a professor ultimately. However, this career talk introduced us a disparate choice to program our occupation and the reason why companies need doctors. In addition, it was a scarce chance for as to know what the companies are doing in practice and we can contribute to after graduate.
4. Impressions
In my opinion, this career talk was practical because we always stay at school and immerse ourselves into research but worry about are we need by companies, what we can contribute to company and what can we do to improve their own value. All in all, it was very nice to help us to integrate theory with practice.
Y.Z.(Pilot Student)