Speech by Ms. Wu Jiahing, a graduate
My doctoral course overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic, and my research life changed completely. There was a time when online events continued, but I am very happy to be able to meet everyone face-to-face like today. Thank you very much.
There were big changes in the environment, such as the coronavirus, but my life as a reading student for four years was very fulfilling. In particular, I gained various experiences through teamwork with my peers. I thought about my role in the team and put it into action, improved my communication skills, and acquired the cooperativeness that will be essential as a member of society in the future.
I was depressed because I was worried about learning Japanese, and the activities of ALP were not easy at all, but the help of teachers, administrative staff, classmates and seniors has led me to where I am today.
Unlike a typical graduate student, ALP provided a place for people to interact with each other and new stimuli, and it was an environment where I could grow with my colleagues. And it was the best harvest that I got introspective intelligence. After completing the course, I would like to take pride in being an ALP student and be active in a Japanese company.
Congratulatory message from Program Coordinator Koichiro Ishimori
Mr. Wu, congratulations on your graduation. For Ms. Wu, an international student, this program must have been tough at times. As the program representative, I feel relieved and happy that we have overcome that and reached today. It seems that you have decided to get a job at a company next spring. Research styles differ between companies and universities, but please try to tackle everything with passion, enthusiasm, and interest.
As I introduced at the 9th class recruitment ceremony the other day, Mr. Wu embraces the words of Professor Benjamin List, Specially Appointed professor at Waseda University ICReDD and winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry last year (2021), “Follow your enthusiasm.” Please pave the way. Looking at the world situation can make you feel gloomy. Mr. Wu's home country of China and Japan both have various problems. There may be friction between nations, but friendships and connections between individuals have no borders. People around you should be able to see that Mr. Wu is passionate about his work. We will continue to support you. I hope that you will use what you have learned at ALP as a source of inspiration and do your best as a global leader.
Ph.Discover introduces the activities of Ambitious Leader's Program Fostering Future Leaders to Open New Frontiers in Materials Science Hokkaido University. We send out messages from our students from time to time. Please take a look.