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I was in charge of two articles in the "Ph. Dreams" series of reports by graduate students Hokkaido University Shinji Noguchi, a 7th class student who was hired by Ambitious Leader's Program Fostering Future Leaders to Open New Frontiers in Materials Science (ALP) in 2020 (Hokkaido University Graduate School Chemical Sciences and Engineering It is. ALP is an educational program that fosters human resources who study cross-disciplinary studies centered on material science, cultivate high abilities as members of society, and who will play an active role internationally in a wide range of fields such as not only academic and research institutions but also private companies after obtaining a degree. Although the subsidy period as a subsidy project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ended in March 2020, it continues to be active as a project of Hokkaido University.
To obtain ideal materials that do not burden the environment
My research field is inorganic materials chemistry, and I use synchrotron radiation to analyze how synthetic reactions of inorganic materials proceed. Inorganic materials are materials that are mainly composed of inorganic non-metallic substances such as ceramics, and since all elements are constituents of inorganic materials, there are almost infinite types of compositions and structures. Among them, materials with excellent conductivity, superconductivity, heat resistance, hardness, dielectric properties, translucency, and piezoelectricity are used as the main materials that support modern technology. Materials that are actually used include electronic and optical devices such as capacitors, various sensors, laser materials, light emitting elements, and solar cells, biomaterials such as artificial bones and artificial joints, photocatalysts, adsorption materials, and water infiltration and water repellent materials. construction materials such as cement and glass; solid electrolytes for fuel cells; solar cells; and gas turbine components.
Inorganic materials are widely used in our daily lives, as can be seen from the many examples of their use. I am researching the process of synthesizing raw materials into materials and trying to find out the important factors to obtain the ideal material. Furthermore, if we can systematically explain material synthesis, we believe that it will be possible to search for materials more efficiently and synthesize materials that do not place a burden on the environment. Therefore, I would like to acquire overwhelming expertise in this field.

Aiming to Acquire Skills and Abilities Different from Specialty
At the same time, I decided to take ALP in order to gain an industrial perspective and the ability to collaborate with people outside my field of expertise. We are facing global issues such as declining birthrate, depopulation, economic disparity, global warming and energy problems. Solving these problems requires a high degree of expertise, but another power that can be used to solve these problems is also important. We believe that what is necessary is the ability to have an economic and industrial perspective, work in cooperation with a diverse range of people, and maximize the strengths of each individual. To do so, we must constantly gather information, make decisions, and think about how to make the most of it. Through ALP, I would like to improve those abilities.
In addition, I would like to practice social contribution activities such as volunteering and internships in the private sector. I learned that the spread of the new coronavirus has further widened the inequality in the world. With the world in turmoil, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. By global standards, the majority of Japanese people are able to obtain educational opportunities and live in a safe environment simply by being born in Japan. In order to make the world a better place, I have recently come to feel that I have a duty to pass on the lessons I have learned from this precious educational environment to the future. In the future, based on what I have learned, I would like to provide research guidance in developing countries, etc., and correct disparities in educational standards.
Know the true meaning of the saying "a healthy mind resides in a healthy body"
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introduce my motto
Press on.
Nothing in the world can take place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge (30th US president, 1872-1933)
It's about pushing forward.
There is nothing in this world that can take the place of fortitude.
It doesn't matter if you have talent. There are a lot of people who have talent but don't succeed.
You can't even be a genius. There is even the word unrequited genius.
It doesn't matter if you're educated. The world is full of educated stragglers.
It's all about fortitude and determination.
Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the United States)