March 10, 2021, Hokkaido University The closing ceremony for the eight Ambitious Leader's Program Fostering Future Leaders to Open New Frontiers in Materials Science (ALP) third-term students was held School of Science It was held in a large conference room, including simultaneous distribution overseas. ALP is a doctoral program that fosters human resources who study cross-disciplinary studies centered on material science, cultivate high abilities as members of society, and who will play an active role internationally in a wide range of fields such as not only academic and research institutions but also private companies after obtaining a degree. Although the subsidy period as a subsidy project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ended in March 2020, it continues to be active as a project of Hokkaido University. After the certificate was awarded, Executive Director Junji Yamaguchi (Program Director, Hokkaido UniversityVice President Professor Koichiro Ishimori (Hokkaido UniversityVice President), the program coordinator, gave a congratulatory speech, and all the participating alumni gave greetings.
Greetings from Executive Director Yamaguchi
I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the 3rd gens for being able to complete their studies safely despite the restrictions on various activities due to the corona crisis. In the four and a half years since you were hired by the ALP, you have participated in many activities and developed the five abilities that you should develop at the ALP: overwhelming expertise, perspective, frontier development, international practice, and introspective intelligence. I have polished it. Since the launch of the Leading Program, these abilities have attracted attention as generic skills that doctoral course graduates should possess. At the same time, society, especially private companies, is in demand of human resources who have not only expertise but also these skills and can contribute to society. In other words, you have not only been involved in world-leading research, but you have also received advanced education that will serve as a model for future graduate school education in Japan. In fact, many of your seniors have found employment not only in academia, such as universities, which were traditionally the main career destinations for doctoral course graduates, but also in a variety of private companies. I hear that you are working hard to
Obtaining a PhD and completing a leading program at Hokkaido University are two golden signs that shine brighter than you realize. I don't think the corona misfortune will end easily in the future. In addition, in the uncertain future of the world situation, common sense so far may change. Even in such a situation, I hope that you will demonstrate the diverse strengths you have cultivated at ALP and be active in your respective fields as a global leader.
Greetings from ALP Coordinator Koichiro Ishimori
Congratulations to all the 3rd generation students on their completion. Especially in the last year, I think I was very inconvenienced by the corona misfortune. There may have been times when the things you wanted to do didn't come true and you were disappointed. However, this situation will not change significantly, and inconvenience will not disappear. This is the way of the world. I would like to take this opportunity to send you my words of encouragement. First, a few words from Larry Ellison, one of the most successful people in the IT industry. Ellison is the founder of Oracle, one of the giant IT companies.
Mr. Ellison survived the uncertainties of the IT industry in the 1980s and led him to become a world-class software company. In his words, "In this world, doing nothing is the greatest risk." As Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg said, "There's no surefire way to succeed, but the surest way to fail is to not take risks." You will have to make big decisions in various situations in your life, and I hope you will remember this message at such times. Innovation and new value are created by taking risks.
もう一つ、エリソン氏の言葉を紹介します。“ I have had all of the disadvantages required for success.”普通の人なら「有利な点があるから成功した」と言うでしょう。しかし、彼は、成功のためには “disadvantages” があった、と言ったのです。皆さんが進む先で、いろいろな困難があるかもしれません。最初の言葉と合わせると、「困難を理由にして何もしないのはダメだ。困難を利用して、新しいものを産み出してください」というメッセージなのです。先行き不透明な時代です。どの分野であっても真のリーダーに問われるのは、限られた条件の中で、どのように前に進むのか。皆さんも、いずれラリー・エリソン氏のように “ I have had all of the disadvantages required for success.” と言えるようになってほしいと願っています。