2021年12月21日(火)北海道大学フード&メディカルイノベーション国際拠点フューチャーホールにて、北海道大学DX博士人材フェローシップ 授与式、受講ガイダンスの様子を配信しました。その様子をダイジェストにまとめてご紹介します。寳金総長によるビデオメッセージ、事業責任者らの祝辞に続いて、採用された467名を代表して戸野塚周平さん(教育学院博士後期課程2年)、梶原ナビールさん(医学院博士課程2年)が挨拶を述べました。
Congratulations on being selected for the DX Doctoral Fellowship. This is a new system that started accepting applications this year, and 40 universities have been selected, with a total of about 5,400 people selected. Among them, Hokkaido University had the 4th largest number of graduate students, and was able to secure 467 slots, which is less than 10% of the total. I am very lucky. And our university named it "DX Doctoral Fellowship". In the future society, it will become even more important to understand the concept of DX in order to develop cross-disciplinary graduate school human resources.
One of the important goals of our university is graduate school reform. By being selected for this fellowship, I am proud that I have been able to advance graduate school reforms earlier than expected. The benefits of these graduate school reforms will be enjoyed by all of you and those who will be entering graduate schools in the future. I hope that you will make use of this fellowship to conduct research to your heart's content and create a world-class research university, Hokkaido University.
Congratulations to all the students who have been accepted into the DX Doctoral Fellowship. I am currently involved in graduate school reforms as a Executive Director in charge of education. As a research university, our mission is to improve the research environment, especially for doctoral students. As a university, we would like to put in place a support system so that you can feel glad that you came to Hokkaido University, that you are glad that you were able to conduct research at Hokkaido University, and that you will be able to go out into society and play an active role. The students at Hokkaido University are extremely wonderful, and as a university, we would like to proactively disseminate information so that you can broaden your career choices.
The purpose of this program is to create an environment in which students in the doctoral course can concentrate on their research, and to develop outstanding doctoral human resources. I believe that each of you is working hard on your research every day in your own field, and in order to make your research activities even more fulfilling, this program provides a variety of support. In addition, in this project, there is financial support equivalent to living expenses. I have heard that you have been sacrificing your research activities to cover your living expenses, but in the future, I would like to create an environment where you can be freed from such restrictions and devote yourself to research. increase. We also provide support for research expenses. Think carefully about your own research as a future researcher.
Through the experience in this business, please aim to play an active role in society. Their success itself will serve as a bright guidepost for their juniors, and should create a positive cycle for both the university and society. Many international students were also selected. In the future, I hope that they will be active in Japan, return to their home countries, and play an active role as a bridge to the world.
教育学院 博士後期課程2年 戸野塚周平さん
Thank you for awarding the DX Doctoral Fellowship. On behalf of all the selected students, I would like to express my sincere gratitude.
The spread of the new coronavirus has hindered the research activities and student life of graduate students in various ways last year and this year. There were many students who felt confused and worried about the future because of the adverse effects they had never experienced before and the need to respond to the environment caused by the corona countermeasures. I myself had to postpone my planned study abroad, and had various experiences such as presenting a paper I was planning to publish overseas in an unfamiliar online format. Under these circumstances, I shared the situation with the same graduate students, encouraged each other while facing my confusion and anxiety, and continued my research activities. However, in the midst of this situation, which has continued for two years, it has been difficult to find a bright exit, and this fellowship has given us hope.
With the support of this fellowship, I will push forward with my research on my research theme, "A study on The World of Red Bull - Reconstruction of a new popular sports space as seen from lifestyle and sports." , I would like to challenge overseas research and paper publication, which was my goal. I would like to pray that 2022 will be a peaceful life for families, schoolmates, and all people. Thank you very much.
医学院 博士課程2年 梶原ナビールさん
On behalf of the selected students, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people involved in the selection of this fellowship.
The digital transformation of DX doctoral human resources adopted by Hokkaido University is a word that has become a hot topic in recent years, using digital technology to solve social issues. In the medical research I do, it is very important to know what kind of information is obtained from various big data obtained from patients and how to solve problems. By using DX, I would like to advance my research more efficiently and greatly in order to help patients who are truly in need.
I would like to use this fellowship to advance medical research in Japan and make discoveries that benefit patients. I would like to play a part in helping Hokkaido University become a world-class research university. Thank you again to all those involved.
Congratulations on your acceptance into the DX Doctoral Fellowship. On behalf of the faculty and staff involved, I would like to welcome you. I would like to tell you two things about this business.
一つ目はこのプログラムの正式な名称についてです。「Society 5.0を牽引するDX博士人材のための研究支援プロジェクト」といいます。このプロジェクト自体はJST日本科学技術振興財団が募集した「次世代研究者挑戦的研究支援プログラム」の一環になります。いずれも名称で分かるように、これは研究支援のプロジェクトです。ではなぜ、博士課程の方にこのような研究支援をするのかといいますと、今、一番日本で求められているのは自由な研究です。今、我々(多くの教員)は競争的資金によって研究しており、目的があり成果を出さなければいけません。しかし、このプロジェクトでみなさんへ支給する年間40万円の研究費は、みなさんの発想で自由に研究に使って下さい。やりたい研究に使ってください。今までのノーベル賞受賞者をみても、若い時の研究や自由にした研究がノーベル賞につながっています。現在の日本では残念ながらそのような研究ができる環境ではありません。ぜひこの研究費をみなさんの好きな研究、やりたい研究、普段ならなかなかできない研究に使ってください。これが私からの一つのメッセージです。
The second is the word DX. I think that everyone had a hard time figuring out how their research was connected to DX when they applied. But we don't just want things directly related to DX. Society 5.0, where everyone is active, is a society surrounded by DX, even if it is not related to the research you are currently working on. In this program, please think about how you will conduct your research and what kind of research you will develop. To that end, we provide a place for proactive learning and a place for challenging and fusional research. I hope that you will use them to your heart's content in your own research. I look forward to working with you all. Please do your best.
I hope that all of you participated in the recruitment ceremony and guidance, and understood that the whole university wants to support you. You may feel burdened by the expectations, but our number one wish is for you to enjoy your research in the doctoral course. If you enjoy it, your research will naturally advance. Please use this system to your heart's content and do your research. The doctoral course is probably the most immersive experience in your life. We hope that this program will be of some help during this irreplaceable time.
*You can also watch the Hokkaido University DX Doctoral Fellowship Award Ceremony and the course guidance on YouTube.
* The award ceremony was reported by various media such as Yahoo! Japan, TV Hokkaido, and Newspicks.
Photography cooperation: Hokkaido University General Affairs Planning Department Public Relations Division/Distribution cooperation: TVh Television Hokkaido